Warwickshire Artysans

Boat by Bee Collins

Kenilworth Castle by Ruth Lynam

Child by Rosanna Short
Warwickshire Artysans grew out of Warwickshire Adult and Community learning or semi retired and have enjoyed our forays into exhibiting at Art in the Park for the past two years. We have continued to meet regularly and share our love of different media, styles and inspirations. Our main aim is to enjoy the creative process, and to continually develop our skills in a variety of media. Most of us are retired or semi retired and have enjoyed our forays into exhibiting at Art in the Park for the past two years.
Our inspiration is varied, but is all linked to the creative process and how we want to improve our understanding of the tools and techniques to create satisfying artwork. Since starting to work independently from ACL, we have set up our own Zoom meetings, and created a schedule of learning to extend our skills and expereince. We all share a passion for learning, and inspire each other as well as by the vibrant arts community in Warwickshire.
We use a variety of mediums but primarily watercolour, inks and acrylic paint. One of our group aims is to challenge ourselves to use less familiar media and styles.