Trixabelle Designs



Evenstar 1

Larimar 1

The perfect pear
My mission is to bring joy to anyone who views my work. My aim is to create pieces spark joy not just through the eyes, but also through touch and aura. My pieces are designed to heal as well as be decorative. I use my reiki skills to imbue creations with positive healing energy. I make abundant jewellery, overflowing with layers of texture, shape and colour.
My tag line is: 'Handmade Magical Jewellery' and honestly I don't think there is a better way to categorise it!
I was inspired to start creating after becoming paralyzed following illness at 39, and then loosing my Dad very suddenly the same year. I had a choice, I could lay in bed feeling sorry for myself or I could change my mindset, I started to think about what I could do and not what I could not. I now have full use of my upper body following physio, my legs are now my wheelchair. I have rediscovered my artistic side. I describe this philosophy as 'Post-traumatic Growth.'
I use recycled sterling silver sheet and wire. I enjoy melting the silver and then making pieces from the random shapes that appear. I use wire for bracelets with different techniques to add texture to links, making them completely unique. Also using wire I have hammered it into 'evenstar' shapes and set with gemstones.
I also make meditation malas from gemstone beads. I use the natural properties and colours to create powerful and also visually pleasing pieces. I have been selling these on Etsy for 5 years and have sent all around the world.