Natasha Giles Art




My work is about full and healthy emotional expression through art which began as an exploratory therapy for myself. I became part-time art tutor in 2022 for Age UK BRWF and now hold two weekly elderly arts classes in both Redditch and Bromsgrove throughout the year. I’ve helped existing artists and beginners find their own expression through creating images, some being over 80 years old who had no idea they could draw. My aim is to find intuitively what works for the individual. I help people overcome the usual blocks in creating and let them enjoy the process without external judgement. My vision is to carry this forward in further groups and one-to-one sessions to help people of various abilities and ages.
Seeing things develop in a life-affirming way inspires me so similarly development in my artwork inspires me, it’s allowing for it but also going with the process, refining without forcing or coercing. It is about Voice and letting it speak: How can I let this sound or feeling out in a healthy way, how can I transmute it through paint, through energy and my movements into something tangible that might resonate? It’s the alchemy of creating that inspires and excites me. I am very inspired by the members of my art classes, seeing the progression happen for them. They don’t always recognise this but I see it from week to week and it’s very rewarding to witness and something to be encouraged.
I use mixed media because I like the freedom from restriction, the ability to experiment and make a mess if need be. It is important to explore and allow for chaos when producing my abstract artwork. I do not plan or prepare any piece other than making the space ready to let the expression unfold. I’m listening to what emerges through the paint without trying to make sense of it at the time. All media has its own individual voice and personality too, so there’s the ‘unity’ aspect, of pulling them together in a single but collective artwork to make a visual statement, that’s what appeals to me.