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Guy Chapman Art






The Hideaway Tree

The Hideaway Tree

Delta 1


My mission is simply to create highly detailed artwork which I hope will intrigue the viewer as it pulls them in to examine it more closely and, hopefully, they will start to see hidden elements I often include that helps tell a unique story behind the picture. I like to create wonderful imaginative images, some from the real world whilst others exist solely in my mind and it is my intention to put them to paper for others to enjoy.
I would like to see some of my pictures published in a book for children which I have already started to create. It will be a “no-text” story book to help develop imagination and creativity, two elements critical elements to a child’s cognitive development.
I also hope to become as Associate member of the RBSA during 2024 which will help “professionalise” my work.


I am driven by a very active vivid imagination which, in turn, is inspired by the fascinating worlds I have entered through reading numerous books in my childhood and fantasy films more lately. These include Enid Blyton, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, the Narnia chronicles, Game of Thrones, Terry Brooks’ Sword of Shannara series, The Never Ending Story, Star Wars … the list is very long complimented by just a few artists including M C Escher, but mostly I am inspired by the worlds I have read about in books.
I think these encourage me to be bold and create all manner of images because there is no wrong or right image, it is all personal perception after all, and I cannot draw according to peoples’ taste because that is too much to ask, so far as I am concerned. I draw what I like, that’s the simple rule.


I am a self-taught artist who has been using pencil to draw for as long as I can recall as well as biro, which I stopped using in the early 90s when I started using Rotring pens. I also increasingly used Caran d’Ache premium colour pencils and now I commonly use all three to create my art.
Over time my work has become increasingly complicated, detailed and sometimes technical, so I often start a drawing with a number of sketches before drawing (in graphite) an image to paper when I’m happy with the overall concept. If I’m using ink in a picture I will use that to go back over the graphite pencil, adding detail and colour as needed.
Most of my pictures end up differently to how I initially envisaged then, but this is the beauty of the work taking its own organic route to completion. It’s quite exciting.

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